วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

ฟังบรรยายจาก Professor Dr. Sunyoung Han

Professor Dr. Sunyoung Han

Department of Computer Science & Engineering,

Konkuk University, Korea

Information Centric Networking
- introduction of ICN
- research activities & project
- ICN Architecture
         -  content centric networking ( CCN )
         -  expressive interrnet architecture ( eia )

Scalable cache-based content Distribution

Problems with today's networks

- URL and IPaddress are overloaded with locator and indentifier
- no consistent way to keep track of identical copies
- information dissemination is inefficient
- can't trust a copy received from an untrusted node 
- application and content provider in independence

Future internet requirements
-better mobility support
-more flexible and reliable routing
-better service-aware resource control
-better security and spam protection

Information Centric Networking
-today internet -> focus of node
-Information centrice network -> focus on onformation objects

-originated by Van Jacobson
-one - phase approach though interrest/data packets flowing in a reverse ack/data TCP-style
-CCNX implementation is publicly available

