วันอังคารที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Whole Body Interaction

        Whole body Interaction is the integrated capture and processing of human signals from physical to generate feedback for interaction in a digital environment example You have some action with something and them have an action back to you.

So what is the challenges for whole body interaction
        The first one is Design for Whole Body Interaction start with the premise that all aspects of user are involved in interaction and only are elements removed are not require. So the example with Multi-user air guitar that is the nice of example because Multi-user air guitar that give the user play guitar with only image of guitar. If you play this guitar that will have motion sensor to detect your hand and calculate the speed, at the floor have the pad to control pressure and have some piezoeletric to transducer feedback. This is only one of the example Design for whole Body Interaction.
       The second, Engineering of Interaction. For sure if we had something that want to make that mean we must have engineer for develop for example Wii from Nintendo or the Microsoft Kinect to use in non-gaming domain but If you want to get good technology ,the good algorithm is an important thing that you can’t forget. In the present Wii and Kinect need least four point for reference on the body in Whole body interaction. Because we need feedback of sensor to be in real time.
        The last, Research Philosophy . Did you ever hear about HCI , The HCI is “Human Computer Interaction”. HCI is a subject that have much of work in whole body interaction takes place in cross-disciplinary content. HCI having particular perspective on interactive. Whole body Interaction is in one sense a reaction to that fragmentation and attempts to bring us back to the user as central in our design and research thinking. Answer we have a lot of question about research philosophy and methods. Cause that is a one of the underpinning disciplines of HCI and it will change the perspective thinking about that. For example about Motion capture & Physical interaction.
Whole Body Interaction in Abstract Domains
        Conceptual Metaphor is an Embodied cognition and it’s can apply to be difference ways as grounding metaphors, and in conceptual blends.
                A Complex Abstract Domain : Total Harmony is related multiple sources for example 2 or more than single or instrumentalists play some difference sound but it’s coordinate melody. To Understanding of harmony -related categories and variety of agencies. We only can directly control a single voice is not the only route to take.
              Sensory Motor Contingency Theory : Is a thing that shows  in order to learn to organize
and respond appropriately to sensory input in a new domain or context. So one of your action going to be powers.
     So about the example of Abstract Domain is projection floor to work with music and sound but in this case them use algorithm with floor color black & white to detect motion of people and get this motion to be reaction back to them.
Whole Body Large Display Interfaces for Users and Designers
     We can use whole body to remote control for interact with large surfaces and large displays. So we use ours shadow to control application. And we must use Wii remote to control ours shadow instead a mouse or a keyboard. This technology is easy reach of the hands instead mouse or laser pointers.
     The interaction space of whole body have 3 interaction space consists Personal space, Peripersonal space, and Extrapersonal space. The personal space is the space that occupied by the body, Peripersonal space is the space that easy reach of the hands, Extrapersonal space is the space beyond peripersonal space.
                       Capacitive Sensors for Whole Body Interaction
What is capacitive sensor?
     Capacitive sensor is a sensor that detect about electrode. So we use its because it’s cheap, small, robust, and flexible to use in embedded system. Because the capacitance in capacitive sensor will charge when you stay close the sensor then capacitive sensor will generate oscillation signal for output works. (The distance of object and capacitive sensor up to initial capacitance)
     The first time of using this innovation in 1919 by Leonid Termen. That use to control pitch and volume ,and tracking body movement as the conductor by hand movement near antenna.
      In the present determined hand pose by capturing wrist shape using wristband contain capacitive. And to learn about electricity in human (arm and hand). We provide the electric to human’s arm and learn about which tendon control which muscles.
     So we think a great idea of the capacitive sensors is to be a game controller move the ball to left and right ,make the ball jump and move the ball forward  By just using 2 capacity sensors on desk and a capacity plate on the floor.
     For overall, The whole body interaction is an action from ours body to communicate with technology that had been design by engineer to make the world better than the present. So the technologies or the computers are the things that human can’t live without.
Reference :
  • Raphael Wimmer, Chapter 10 Capacitive Sensor for Whole Body Interaction
  • http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~gabriel/courses/mumt619/Capacitive_Sensing/Capacitive_Sensing.pdf
  • http://www.foodnetworksolution.com/wiki/word/4346/capacitive-proximity-sensor- พร็อกซิมิตี้เซนเซอร์ชนิดเก็บประจุ
  • http://lab.rekimoto.org/projects/possessedhand/
  • http://www.intechopen.com/download/get/type/pdfs/id/39787
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9on_Theremin
  • http://www.google.co.th/imgres?hl=th&biw=975&bih=559&tbm=isch&tbnid=mm6XcjsTh1qwVM%3A&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvisionhelp.wordpress.com%2Fcategory%2Fvision-therapy-heritage%2Ffeed%2F&docid=M2dT6VGpxPL01M&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvisionhelp.files.wordpress.com%2F2012%2F11%2Fneuropsych-regions-of-space.gif%253Fw%253D388&w=367&h=254&ei=rWP8UtW4JMmXrAfSx4GgBw&zoom=1&ved=0CF8QhBwwBQ&iact=rc&dur=314&page=1&start=0&ndsp=13
Thanuphon        Phetthong                                  54211518
Worapon           Prathuangthip                            54211540
Apiwat              Rungsawangsukon                     54211574

